Triostar Stromanthe- A Strobe of Color

The Plan.
Well, when we’re working on our landscape for our front yard the first problem was that I didn’t layout a design so I was unsure of what I wanted. I didn’t get into a big rush to create something that I would want done now but would have to wait on because the second problem was that we didn’t have the money for it. Ha ha, that always seems to be an issue! Either way, we decided to finish up the two plant beds on the side of the house before we get started on the front. Eventually I did get a design sketch together and this is what it looked like. Sounds good!

Show & Tell.
Okay, in the front bed that acts as a median between our two driveways, there are two large Oaks. Between them, I planted Supreme Peace Lilies and various Ti Plants on either side as shown below. I planned on planting 1 gallon Stromanthe Triostars in front of the peace lilies to keep layers in the plant material and to bring all the colors together and complete the bed. I know it doesn’t look like much right now, but throw in some Triostars, mulch, and it’ll look marvelous!

I ended up putting some Stromanthes in the front bed (which received too much sunlight so 3 years later, I relocated them to this location and I should have just planted them here in the first place!)

Below: 2012

Below: 2015


Hi, My Name is Stromanthe Triostar.
Stromanthe sanguinea ‘Triostar’ is cherished for its variegated dark green, and white on top with burgundy underneath. It’s native to the wet forests of Brazil where it can get to 5′ tall. Around central Florida it can get to about 3′ tall and spread 2′ wide. Usually when I’ve seen it, it is about 1′ tall. Below is a grouping of Stromanthe MAD Plants is growing in 1.5 gallon pots.

Stromanthe Triostar does best in shade or filtered sun light. It is not tolerant of frost. When covered it can survive chilly nights. It is cold hardy to 27 degrees and should be heavily mulched during winter. When outside in the landscape, it needs well draining soil and prefers to be kept moist- not saturated or bone dry. It also does well as an indoor plant when provided with adequate water and light.

So NOT High Maintenance.
Stromanthe Triostar does not require much maintenance. Fertilizer 2-3 times per year will do just fine to keep it looking at it’s best. You can prune back in the spring but I’ve most often found that it does not need it. Every so often, a large shoot will come up above the rest of the foliage. It is your option to remove it by pruning it at the base or you can leave it. My preference is to remove it to keep the plant more bush like.You can removed dead or unattractive looking leaves as necessary to keep it looking amazing. Below is another one of MAD Plant’s specimens.

Close Friends.
I personally think this plant looks best when paired with other plant specimens. It doesn’t have to be a tropical setting as Stromanthe Triostar looks good with many plants both tropical and traditional. Plants you may consider pairing it with include:
Ti Plants
Peace Lilies
Green Shell Ginger
Ilex Schilling
various hollies
and many more!

Just remember, whatever you pair it with needs to have similar requirements and preferences as Stromanthe Triostar in light, water, and fertilizer to ensure both plants perform at their best for you!

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